Do not attempt to purchase the Hideaway Solutions Step 180 Cabinet Step Stool from Atlantics Shop.

It’s come to our attention that a website called has listed the Step 180 for sale at a rate that’s far below our cost to build. As with most things in life, if it looks too good to be true, it is. Hideaway Solutions has no affiliation with this website and there’s no distributor that would be supplying our product to them. Furthermore, numerous comments and reviews of Atlantics Shop would indicate that it is 100% fraudulent and these people are just going to take your money and run.

After discovering that the Step 180 cabinet step stool was being offered on the Atlantics Shop website, we took a look around the web to find out what we could about this “company”. This was one of the first reviews we found: is a fraudulent site. It is 100% fake and is been developed to trap and deceive the emotions of innocent and honorable people. All the products they are selling are fake and troublesome. We suggest you stay away from such sites which can completely trash your personal life.
The discounts availing on the Atlanticsshop are beyond expectations. How can a company which is basically new can provide such high discounts?  As these are all the different attractive ways to dupe the people. Therefore, it’s better to maintain a distance from such scam sites.

– First Review Here

The website was also highly suspicious of the site:

As previously stated, Hideaway Solutions has no affiliation with the Atlantics Shop. We will take no responsibility for any harm or fraud committed by the Atlantics Shop and disavow their listing of our product, the Step 180 kitchen step ladder, on their website for sale at a price that is below our cost to produce. If you attempt to purchase the Step 180 through them, we expect that you will just have your money and identity stolen.

Thank you for your attention. We regret that we, our customers and the general public have to deal with this situation, this is the nature of e-commerce in 2019.

While you’re here…

kitchen cabinet accessory step stool hideaway solutions step 180

Why don’t you make the most of it and check out our Step 180 cabinet step stool?