If you’re looking for a great kitchen cabinet design idea, you have to consider the Step 180 cabinet step stool.

When it comes to kitchen design, evolution, not revolution, is the order of the day. The Step 180 bucks that trend. This invention is the kitchen cabinet design idea that allows you to think outside the box, regardless of how tall you are. Space that would typically be left for out-of-the-way long-term storage can now be utilized daily.

As originally conceived, the Step 180 is a unique and exciting design, but we think that the real change that this kitchen cabinet accessory offers is quite a bit bigger. Rather than thinking of it as an add-on, where a designer adds one wherever they’ve decided to put some upper cabinets or shelves, the strength of the invention comes when it’s the central kitchen cabinet design idea.

This means that you can plan for higher backsplashes from the start. You can cluster taller cabinets around one or two points where the Step 180s will be installed, rather than just running them the entire width of the kitchen. This will help open the space up and make it more visually compelling. This will also allow you to add larger windows allowing more natural light into the space.

Kitchen cabinet design idea
This kitchen design looks great. Adding the Step 180 would allow easier access to the upper cabinets for those members of the family who aren’t 6′ tall, plus allow small children to use the sink to wash their hands. (Photo credit: KitchenCraft)

The Step 180 allows for an increased functionality that means a kitchen designer can really get inspired. When everyone has an extra 15.5″ of height to work with, it should change your perspective on what you’re thinking of for your next kitchen design.

Let us know what kitchen ideas the Step 180 gives you.

Learn more about the Step 180 here.